It is with great sadness that we have learned of the passing of Tom Condon.
Tom has been one of, if not the greatest, supporter of tennis in the area – a tireless supporter of the Griffith Tennis Club, a keen player his whole life, constant tournament sponsor and Life Member.
Tom’s love of tennis was infectious, and will live on in the hearts and racquets of his children, their children and beyond. Tom was also immortalised in 2013 with the unveiling/naming of Court 8 – the Tom Condon court.
Our thoughts go out to Tom’s Wife, Jan, and their children who were with him at the end.
A public service will be held on Saturday 17th August at 11am in the Church of St Therese, Yenda, followed by light refreshments at the Yenda Diggers Club.

On a personal note, one of my fondest memories of Tom, which in my opinion spoke volumes about his love of tennis, was when I was regularly practicing weeknights at the Yenda hardcourts. Keith Wells, Adam Smith, myself and an occasional special guest (eg James McCormack) would hit/play and it was during one of these nights that I noticed an unknown sedan had pulled up outside the courts and whoever was in it was stopping to watch our game. It was Tom, of course, keeping a close eye on the state of tennis in the area – and every few nights he’d pull up and watch, I’d occasionally get to have a quick chat with him about who was playing, how he was going and just catch up generally.
Tennis aside though, Tom was a wonderful and extraordinarily humble human being who I continue to look up to, and I feel absolutely privileged to have been able to spend some time in his company over the years.